Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Seuraa blogiani Bloglovinin avulla

Art school is boring..

I know I should update more. but I don´t have time? or then I just find everything else more interesting and exciting? Anyways, my cousin is coming to London this weekend and we will take photos and then there will be a bigger and hopefully better entry next week!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I love us

+ 500 days of summer was goood! joseph gordon-levitt is hot!
+the weather´s getting colder. can´t wait for scarves,gloves,hats,coats,layers!!
+I have no school on Mondays!
+I´m going home for the weekend
+I love my new coat
+London´s amazing

-I miss all things old and safe. I miss home and my friends.
-I. have. gained. weight...´
-I feel a little ill.